A tragicomedy about spooky soups cursed by Roman Polanski

A tragicomedy about spooky soups cursed by Roman Polanski


Didaskalia: Action takes place on October 2nd, 2017 during Zurich Film Festival during the premiere of the movie by Roman Polanski “D’après une Histoire Vraie” (“Based on a True Story”).


  • AganieszKa  – my wine and movie comrade, a famous blogger and jogger
  • Kasia S. – myself, a talented and ” supposedly positively crazy” linguist, recruiter and blogger
  • Vodka Wyborowa – we do not need to introduce this protagonist
  • La Bouillabaisse – an extremely dangerous soup I
  • Bullion – an extremely dangerous soup II
  • Roman Polanski – a famous director and creator of a soup course

On October 2nd, I went with a friend of mine Aga for the premiere of the newest movie by Roman Polanski “D’après une Histoire Vraie” (“Based on a True Story”). I will not tell you the whole story but soups play crucial roles in the movie (apart from outstanding Eva Green and Emmanuelle Seigner).  There is always something scary happening after one of main characters eat a soup.

Our Dear Roman Polanski destroyed my love for soups. I would survive without la Bouillabaisse (fish soup) – I enjoy eating fish but the view of cooked parts of fish mixed here and there was never appealing to me. But our Polish/French director destroyed also an image of bouillon (Polish rosol) and I could not forgive it. Of course, he washed his sins by introducing a Polish accent to the movie (vodka Wyborowa) and creating a great movie so I decided to face my fear and eat some soup…


Didaskalia: Action takes place on October 8th, 2017 in the apartment of one of protagonists called Marcelina A.


  • Marcelina A.  – a famous scientist and a talented hostess
  • Eryk S. – my life comrade tolerating craziness of his wife, a talented scientist who has no time to be famous because of the craziness of his wife
  • Kasia S. – myself, now too dynamic and then toothless and in pain
  • Pumpkin cream soup – an insidious and almost lethal soup III

An opportunity to face my soup-phobia appeared not even one week after the soup curse. We were invited by our friend Marcelina to her new flat. As a starter, she served us pumpkin cream soup. At first, I was afraid but…. what the heck! Nobody, even an Oscar winner will tell me what I should eat. Our moods were great. We finished the soup, nobody choked, Poland was winning 2:0 against Montenegro.

“The curse was gone” – that is what I thought… I noticed a funny picture of almost toothless Theresa May drinking a Polish beer on our common friend’s wall (yes Mr. Sequoia, you are also a part of our spooky story!). Led by a treacherous energy shot caused by an insidious soup, I started going towards Marcelina…

What happened then was the consequence of a deadly soup. I did not see the doorstep, fell directly on my smiling face. A phone call, a quick trip by car to the University Hospital of Zurich, a head tomography, an x-ray of my wrist, knee, fingers and spine, a loss of significant parts of my 3 front teeth and a sick-leave for 3 days because of head injury are the harvests of the lethal pumpkin soup…

Dear blog followers. Please do not be in a rush, do not run at home or when it is slippery and please…. be mistrustful when eating any soup…

P.S. This post is dedicated to the following people:

Roman Polanski – even if he cursed all soups, I hope he will one day talk to us during a new Zurich Film Festival and will allow us to talk to him per Romek 😉

AgnieszKa – for her encouragement to visit cultural events and to taste wine culturally

Marcelina A. – for being a great hostess saving me with frozen pumpkins and giving me some cake for the road

Przemyslaw A. alias Mr. Sequoia – for giving me a lesson that nothing on facebook is more interesting and exciting then your own real life

Eryk S. – for saving me many times in my life and for his patience in being my Husband

Sylvie C. – for keeping the secret from our Mom till we knew that the curse did not kill me and for being the best Sis

For all soup maniacs, family and friends who support me during my soup injury…

zupadyniaThe main protagonist and cause of all drama – THE soup.

20 thoughts on “A tragicomedy about spooky soups cursed by Roman Polanski

  1. I will have to see this film😀 I am also a soup lover and wonder what effects this film will have on my view and experiences😉 I hope not as dramatic 😊Hope you well now

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kasia, your “adventures” are incredible! It could really happen only to you. 😉
    I hope that you will recover fast and that you will not resigne from eating pumpkin soups!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Kasia 🙈. It totally sounds like something that could happen to me. We clumsy people should stick together.
    I hope you’re doing well! Great that you’re taking it with humour and working through the pain creatively 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You need to ask some other people who watched this movie. Maybe they suffered because of soup as well. It could be possible that Romek Polanski made a dangerous movie, and you can make some collective complaint to get super compensation. In money, gold or in Vodka Wyborowa 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow Kasia, I hope you’re feeling better now!

    You do know the best food to have if you’ve had an injury around the mouth though, right?

    Gute Besserung,

    Daniel 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a story Kasia :)!
    My love for soups since I’m a very young girl has earned me the title “Madame Soupe” which my mother has always called me growing up and I have yet to be cursed…!
    I must say though that this post can be very fitted for the Movie trailer/ ad! Just some food for thoughts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow Kasia!

    Was für eine bitter, süsse und ironische Geschichte.
    Irgendwie habe ich jetzt Lust auf eine Suppe, habe aber Angst davor! 🙂

    Ich hoffe es geht dir Bald besser.

    Gute Besserung


  8. Chère Kasia,
    En lisant ton récit j ai l impression de lire mon quotidien… non je ne mange pas de la soupe tous les jours même si ma taille pourrait le laisser croire, je parle de ce quotidien semé d embûches, de portes, de sol glissant…bienvenue dans mon monde! J ai laissé 2 dents en installant des filets de badminton car le crochet d attache m’ est revenu dans le sourire….bref ne parlons pas de mes péripéties, l actrice principale aujourd’hui c est toi! J ai toujours cru en toi et en ton investissement à toutes épreuves! Je te souhaite un bon rétablissement!
    Ps : quand je pense à toutes ces personnes âgées que j accompagne et qui attendent leur potage du soir tels des enfants devant le sapin de noël, une génération qui a baigné dans la soupe…je dis respect pour leur parcours…


  9. Kasia, la ville est pleine d’aventures et tu en es là preuve vivante! J’ai mal pour toi rien qu’en lisant ces lignes, mais cela n’a pas duré très longtemps avant que tu sois déjà de retour et à l’attaque 😉
    N’oublie tout de même pas: dans la vie, tout peut attendre 🙂


  10. Good god! It’s like a nightmare. I hope you’re better now. Looking at the way you joke around the whole thing I assume IT IS BETTER 😉
    Now I also want to see the movie!
    But since I love every kind of soup… don’t know. Need to think twice 😉


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