A (blond) crone comes to the doctor… or przychodzi (blond) baba do lekarza

One of reasons I wanted to write this blog, was my blond intelligence and stories around it. First story below.  This one happened at the doctor’s, but some even more blond stories I will describe very soon, before I forget them. (not only my brain is as small as the gerbil’s one but also my memory – gerbils and Kasia remember things for maximum 3 days 🙂 )

One day, during my studies in Poland I had to have some basic medical exams before starting a job as a teacher.

“Doctor, doctor I need to check my hearing”.

“No problem Dear. So you have to bla bla bla”.

Some of my faux pas or stupid reactions are the effect of me not focusing on the answer. I always have 100 ideas in 1 minute and the simple rules of a very easy medical exam were so easy, that I decided not to listen to them. But of course it was a very easy test and if I were not blond, I would have guessed what I should have been doing.

There was some music being played in my left and right ear. I had to raise my left or right hand (depending on in which ear I heard it) when I started hearing something.

So I am sitting there and hearing some music, then louder and louder and then when I was almost deaf, the doctor started shouting: “ARE YOU NOT HEARING THIS LOUD MUSIC??!!!”.

I had to explain him that I did not understand his instructions. His look was very suspicious, maybe instead of hearing test, he should have sent me to some IQ tests….